Wolf Haven: Sanctuary and the Future of Wolves in North America
By Brenda Peterson and
Annie Marie Musselman (Sasquatch Books, 2016)
This stirring book of photographs introduces the many wolves that have been given sanctuary at Wolf Haven International near Mount Rainer in southeast Washington State. Annie Marie Musselman was given the rare opportunity to photograph the wolves at the Wolf Haven sanctuary. These captive-born and displaced wolves came from a variety of captive environments. Some of the highly endangered Mexican and red wolf pups will be raised with the possibility of future release into the wild. Human contact is very limited, so the images captured by Musselman express a wild spirit that is very different from anything seen in domesticated animals. Brenda Peterson’s text puts the stories of these wolves, and of wolves in North America, into context as she describes their behavior patterns and social structure. Wolf Haven uncovers new truths about wolves and the ways humans are finding to coexist with these wild animals.
Wolf Haven International is a wolf sanctuary in Tenino that has rescued and provided a lifetime home for more than 200 displaced or captive-born wolves since it opened in 1982. Wolf Haven offers 50-minute guided walking tours, plus a variety of educational programs.
To reserve a visit, call 360-264-4695, ext. 220, or click on “Schedule Your Sanctuary Visit” on the home page of the website, wolfhaven.org.